
Job description for OR Staff Nurse

 Job Description      Department: Nursing        Title: OR Staff Nurse

Job description for OR Staff Nurse

Reports to:

OR Charge Nurse, OR Head Nurse

Accountable to:

OR Head Nurse, OR Supervisor, ACNOCNO.

Responsibilities and duties:

Scrub Nurse:

   ·       The scrub & circulating nurse duties are being done before, during and after the operation as following.

Before the operation:

   ·       determine the type of the surgery and issue a check list for all the required instruments and equipment's as per the surgeon instructions

   ·       Test the surgery instruments and sterile it.

   ·       Receive the sterile instruments from the CSSD dept.

   ·       Receive the required covers for the surgeon

   ·       Check the consumed instruments and prepare it.

   ·       (Note: in case of preparing the critical instruments we should provide 2 instruments at least to be available (Spare) in case of pollution or damage to avoid any delay or stop in the surgery

During the operation:

·       Prepare all the consumes and instruments related to the surgery type from the OR store.

·       Provide the OR with the dressing, abdomen Towel and drainage.

·       Good sterile to the Operation location

·       Open the instruments by both of the sterile nurse and circulating nurse starts to open the instruments and injections and put it on the operation table related to the sterile nurse.

·       The scrub nurse starts to sterile her hands then wear the gown and gloves then put these instruments in an organized and proper way on the operation table according to the operation type then counting the dressing, instruments, towels, injections with the circulating nurse and OR technician then write the numbers down on the OR count sheet.

·       Then the patient being entered to the operation room and the circulating nurse starts to time out by doing the following *(write down the patient name, medical record number, define the operation type, the procedure site and side, surgeon name, anesthetist name, patient history or note …etc. allergies and any anesthesia specific concern.

The circulator nurse duties:

Before the operation:

The circulator nurse should be aware of all the consumed instruments and its location and utilization method and she is responsible of all the staff inside the operation room during the surgery:

a)    Recheck the Validity and of all the instruments inside the operation room

b)    Responsible for the operation room cleaning and to keep it on a well organizing level

c)     Clean the equipment’s and its carriers, tables with the specific material of sterile “micro back”

d)    Issuing the time out and receive the patient papers to write down the needed information as above mentioned in the timeout part.

e)     Helping the surgeon in issuing the catheter if needed.

f)       Helping the patient by transferring him with the scrub nurse and technician from the trolley to the operation table.

g)     Uncover the area of patient that the surgery will be in.

During the operation:

a)    Helping all the staff inside the operation room.

b)    Give the sterile nurse (abdomen dressing, abdomen towels, separate instruments, solutions.

c)     singe out must be done (Count the instruments during opening it with loud voice with the sterile nurse and write it down in the attached papers and make sure not to close the patient injury before counting it again not to forget anything in the patient body.

d)    Maintain the doors closed during the procedure

e)     Control the room temperature not less than 18 and not more 20

f)       Responsible for the number of staff inside the operation room for maintain the microbes

After the operation:

a)    Clean the patient from the secretions and blood and change the gown with the scrub nurse if needed then transfer the patient from the table to the trolley with the OR technician and sterile nurse

b)    Prepare the patient samples and it’s required reports after the procedure

c)     Helping in removing the instruments and equipment’s and re-prepare it for the next procedure

d)    Supervising the room cleaning and well sterilization

Authority of incumbent:

Works under direct supervision

Supervising subordinates


Timeout &sign out

Turnaround time

Working conditions:


·       Ensure safety for patients

·       Report mishaps, accidents and complaints immediately in accordance With Hospital policies

·       Limited noise level conducive for OR

·       Safe environments.

·       Compliance of Infection controlled measure

·       Clean environments.

·       Sterility for the equipment’s and environments

Equipment’s/ Machines / Work Aids are used:

All OR equipment’s and instruments.

Contacted Person

Job title

Frequency of communication

Purpose of contact


Communication way


Internal Parties



For receiving work instructions and reporting

Face to face




For insuring the matching between the used instruments and procedure type , receive work instructions

Face to face


OR store keeper


To receive the required instruments and provide the OR room with it

Face to face

Nurse Aid


To give him/her the patients samples and record it in the record with the patient data to be delivered to the lab

Face to face



To supervise the deep cleaning process after every procedure


Face to face


External Parties









To provide or rent the OR needed machines

Phone or face to face


Specific Competencies:

     ·       Scrub nurse competences.

     ·       Circulating nurse competences


·       BSN or Intermediate degree in nursing


·       From 2 to 5 years’ actually experience in the same position.


      ·     BLS

      ·     Equipment’s handling (OJT)

      ·      Surgical site disinfectant.

      ·     Position surgical patients.


      ·       Good English language

      ·       Communication Skills

      ·       Team Work

      ·       Working under pressure

      ·       Time Management

      ·       Problem Solving

Dress Code:

According to (.......) Policy.
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